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Economic viability of the processes at industrial scales depend on the complete cost of a CO 2 sorption process, entailing adsorbents, installation, plant commissioning, and operation costs In addition, fuel resources and the cost of CO 2 compression, transport, and storage are also important Factors for a sustainable CO 2 removal system include high capture capacity,Economically viable forest management is an absolute prerequisite for longterm sustainability MultiUn Use of a waste heat boiler for energy recovery, where technically and economically viable EurLex2 Objective of aid to make holdings more economically viable and diversify economic activities by EurLex2The economic viability concept is, thus, embedded in the notion of weak sustainability that natural capital and manmade capital can be substituted From the Cambridge English Corpus We may also determine from some socioeconomic research that the longterm economic viability of the farmer is resilient in the face of a market shock, assuming normal rangeland dynamics

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Economically viable example
Economically viable example- Coal's Economic and Financial Viability The American coal industry is undergoing a steady, precipitous decline that will accelerate in the next 15 to years For example, in January 13, Georgia Power said it would shut down ten coal units containing a total of 1,976 megawatts (MW) of electricity while in the same year American Electric(ii) in an operationally workable manner;

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For example A design process that must 1) produce a yield, 2) be sustainable, (economically viable) 3) do no harm to the ecosystemin fact enhance the ecosystem, etc (Very important for our day when Peak Oil looms and Global Warming begins to display its affects)Feasible 'the proposed investment was economically viable' More example sentences 'This view is not derived from a sense of optimism, but from a realisation that viable alternatives need to be developed to reduce car usage and pollution'Economically Viable synonyms 44 Words and Phrases for Economically Viable commercially viable cost effectiveness economic feasibility economic health economic profitability economic resilience economic soundness economic strength
Many governments undertake some form of economic viability analysis (also known as socioeconomic viability) to decide whether a proposed project is a good use of public resources A project is economically viable if the economic benefits of the project exceed its economic costs, when analyzed for society as a wholeTranslation of "economically viable" in Italian I need 0 pounds per week to make this economically viable Mi servono 90 Kg a settimana per renderlo economicamente sostenibile Copyright Mobiel 21A SUMP aims to make transport more environmentally friendly, equitable and economically viableDesirable, Feasible and Viable three important lenses The ' balanced breakthrough model ' (above), is an innovation model that I often show to clients and colleagues, because it provides a lot of clarity on how to 'view' a given project/design challenge If you consider your project through these three lenses, you get an immediate
Synonyms for economically viable include selfsupporting, independent, selfreliant, selfsufficient, selfsustaining, selfcontained, selfdependent, selfstanding, selfsubsistent and selfsubsisting Find more similar words at wordhippocom!Economically viable translation in English English Reverso dictionary, see also 'economically',economical',economic',economics', examples, definition, conjugationEconomic sustainability is assessed by life cycle costing (LCC) LCC was initially developed in order to calculate the total price of, for example, longliving products, which also have significant usage or disposal costs besides the initial production price (Sherif and Kolarik, 1981)

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ökonomisch tragfähig unwirtschaftlich wirtschaftlicher wirtschaftlichen Other translations Funds may only guarantee investments in activities that are judged potentially economically viable Die Fonds dürfen nur Garantien für Investitionen in Geschäftstätigkeiten übernehmen, die als potentiell rentabel gewertet werdenIf at the end of the exercise the benefits exceed the costs, the project may be considered to be economically viable For example, assessing the economic viability of a stadium might include both direct and indirect considerations such as The total cost of the project Will the project secure adequate financing? For example, according to this article about the Hybrid Airship from Lockheed Martin and Hybrid Enterprises, about 90% of the mineral resources in Africa are already in use, and the last 10% is not economically viable due to poor access Enter the superblimp

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And (iii) in a manner which ensures that the System has a reasonable likelihood of being operated on reasonably profitable terms over the term of theEconomically Viable Support for Internet Mobility Ping Zhang, Arjan Durresi Purdue School of Science, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN 462, USA {zhang58, durresi}@csiupuiedu Raj Jain Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington University in St Louis St Louis, MO , USA jain@csewustleduEconomically viable These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content Read more The high price of crude makes investment in tar sands economically viable Times, Sunday Times (08) I would guess this is at the extremis of what's economically viable Times, Sunday Times (10)

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Many translated example sentences containing "economically viable" – GermanEnglish dictionary and search engine for German translations Look up in Linguee Stewardship Council (FSC), which was founded in 1993 to promote the environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world's forests The controlled operating condition of vertical farming is the most important factor that makes it economically viable The external environmental conditions impose serious additional costs in traditional agricultural production However, the controlled environment of a vertical farm eliminates all such expensesMost related words/phrases with sentence examples define Economically viable meaning and usage Log in Thesaurus for Economically viable Related terms for economically viable synonyms, antonyms and sentences with economically viable Lists synonyms antonyms definitions examples thesaurus Parts of speech adjectives

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In recent years coal gasification has become increasingly economically viable due to technological developments 30 As agreement between calculated and experimental IV spectra is good, this method is clearly viable for the analysis of experimental dataViable Meaning in Hindi Shabdkosh Economic (1 days ago) Meaning and definitions of viable, translation of viable in Hindi language with similar and opposite words Spoken pronunciation of viable in English and in Hindis for the entry "viable" What viable means in Hindi, viable meaning in Hindi, viable definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of viable in HindiNEWVENTURE IDEA CHECKLIST •Basic Feasibility Is it legal/can the product or service work •Competitive Advantage of the Venture •What is the Customer Profile •Marketing of Goods & Services •Production of Goods & Services •Financing

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The periphytonbased cage aquaculture described here was not economically viable and the main economic constraints were the costs of cage material (net and bamboo poles) and fry Aquaculture 2 "But that's not economically viable The New York Times 3 Staying, he said in an interview, was "not economically viable" The New York TimesIn some of these instances, Emirates is the sole airline operating the Boeing 777 Also, I speculate that other airlines would probably use another, smaller aircraft to some of these destinationsEnglish Dutch Contextual examples of "economically viable" in Dutch These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate babla is not responsible for their content These days, the complete dismantling of endoflife vehicles is economically viable

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The main method for assessment of economic viability of a project is a CostBenefit Analysis (CBA) Costs and benefits are expressed as far as possible in monetary terms so that they can be compared on an equal level A project is assessed as economically viable if the project benefits exceed the project costs Understanding good practiceUnlike many other metals, which are economically viable at grades of around 1% or even much less, iron deposits are only viable if the grades are in the order of 50% iron and if they are very large Figure 7 Banded iron formation from an unknown location in North America on display at a museum in Germany The rock is about 2 m acrossMany translated example sentences containing "economically viable" – FrenchEnglish dictionary and search engine for French translations

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Examples of Financially viable in a sentence Financially Viable – The new or renewing contracting entity has the financial resources to meet all of the Program's requirements Year end forecast for To Be Financially Viable and Sustainable is AMBER on the basis of the risk range for the year end outturnEconomically viable means that a venture or project is able to continue to create or take in resources needed to sustain it, because consumers actually want the product or service it provide If a business earns a profit from sales that exceed its costs, that is an indication that the final product is worth more to the consumers than the factors of production that went into its creationIt means that companies need to be economically viable, have a positive impact on society, and respect and preserve the environment For example, companies now use CSR is also benefiting from technological and economic developments and the best practices today are likely to change very rapidly

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G4's economic viability must be sound A lot of transit systems are subsidised because they are just not viable as too few people ride them An acid test of viability is whether the private sector will risk its capital to build and operate the system A goal would be to have the 80% of the capital cost paid for by theLearn the definition of 'economically viable deposit' Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar Browse the use examples 'economically viable deposit' in the great English corpus Example sentenceseconomically viable economically viable These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content Read more The high price of crude makes investment in tar sands economically viable

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